Lethbridge Eclectic Diverse Treasures

    Auction Details

    Exclusive Auction featuring a diverse selection of items including Shuffleboard Table, Taxidermy, Musical Instruments, Elegant Fireplace, Christmas Decor, Hunting Gear, Electric Scooter, Quality Tools, Furniture, Housewares, Art, Treasures, Antiques & Collectibles
    If you require shipping, please give us 3-5 business days after our local pick-ups for us to reach out to you with your updated invoice.

    Items will be available for pick up from 11am - 7pm on after the auction closes.
    PICK-UP LOCATION *Lethbridge* (Address shared after the auction ends)

    Buyers Premium is 17.5%
    (825)777-6666. Beck Auctions Inc
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    Shrouded Forest - Bald Eagle1 - Shrouded Forest - Bald Eagle
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Shrouded Forest - Bald Eagle Framed Print by Daniel Smith 32.5" Width 42.5" Height
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 31m
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    Beautiful Mirror Inset Wooden with Geese & Cattails2 - Beautiful Mirror Inset Wooden with Geese & Cattails
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Beautiful Mirror Inset Wooden with Geese & Cattails 16.5" Width 47" Height 1.5" Depth
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 32m
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    Maple Dining Table & Chairs3 - Maple Dining Table & Chairs
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Maple Dining Table & Chairs. Includes 6 Dining Chairs with cream colored seats, two removable extension leafs, each end of the table collapses....
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 33m
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    Ridgeway Grandfather Clock4 - Ridgeway Grandfather Clock
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Ridgeway Grandfather Clock 19.5" Width 81.5" Height 12" Depth
    Current Bid: 20.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 33m
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    Admiral Stereophonic with Manual5 - Admiral Stereophonic with Manual
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Admiral Stereophonic with Manual - Tested 61" width 27.5" height 19" depth
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 34m
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    Rose Colored Flower Touch Lamp6 - Rose Colored Flower Touch Lamp
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Rose Colored Flower Touch Lamp - 3 brightness levels
    Current Bid: 85.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 35m
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    TV Stand wtth Storage7 - TV Stand wtth Storage
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    TV Stand wtth Storage - Wood & Glass Doors 32" Width 28.5" Height 18" Depth
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 36m
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    Fine Silverware Set8 - Fine Silverware Set
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Fine Silverware Set
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 36m
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    Vintage Crystal Glasses9 - Vintage Crystal Glasses
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Vintage Crystal Glasses - 13 Glasses
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 37m
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    Vintage Crystal Glasses10 - Vintage Crystal Glasses
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Vintage Crystal Glasses - 14 Glasses
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 38m
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    Vintage Crystal Glasses11 - Vintage Crystal Glasses
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Vintage Crystal Glasses - 20 Glasses
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 39m
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    Vintage Crystal Glasses12 - Vintage Crystal Glasses
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Vintage Crystal Glasses - 11 Glasses
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 39m
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    Vintage Glassware13 - Vintage Glassware
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Vintage Glassware - 17 pieces
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 40m
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    RCMP Collectibles14 - RCMP Collectibles
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    RCMP Collectibles includes 7 glasses, plate & statue
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 41m
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    Royal Albert "Tea Rose" China15 - Royal Albert "Tea Rose" China
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Royal Albert "Tea Rose" Bone China Set England RGO No. 839056
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 42m
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    Solid Maple Hutch16 - Solid Maple Hutch
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Solid Maple Hutch - 2 Pieces with 2 level lighting Upper Piece 55" Width 45" Height 10" Depth Lower Piece 58.5" Width 3...
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 42m
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    Royal Heritage Collection Fine Porcelain Christmas Collection17 - Royal Heritage Collection Fine Porcelain Christmas Collection
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Royal Heritage Collection Fine Porcelain Christmas Collection
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 43m
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    Pegasus Solingen Germany Stainless Steel Cutlery Set for 1218 - Pegasus Solingen Germany Stainless Steel Cutlery Set for 12
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Pegasus Solingen Germany Stainless Steel Cutlery Set for 12
    Current Bid: 15.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 44m
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    Crystal Glasses & Decanter19 - Crystal Glasses & Decanter
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Crystal Glasses & Decanter - 22 Glasses, 1 Decanter
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 45m
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    Crystal Glasses & Decanter20 - Crystal Glasses & Decanter
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Crystal Glasses & Decanter 25 Glasses, 1 Decanter
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 45m
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    Crystal Glasses & Decanter21 - Crystal Glasses & Decanter
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Crystal Glasses & Decanter 19 Glasses, 1 Decanter
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 46m
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    Crystal Glasses & Decanter22 - Crystal Glasses & Decanter
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Crystal Glasses & Decanter 27 Glasses, 1 Decanter
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 47m
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    Vintage Hutch Buffet23 - Vintage Hutch Buffet
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Vintage Hutch Buffet 60" Width 65.5" Height 18" Depth
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 48m
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    2 Wine Pictures and 3 Oil Paintings by Roberta Vallier Framed & Matted24 - 2 Wine Pictures and 3 Oil Paintings by Roberta Vallier Framed & Matted
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    2 Wine Pictures 31" Width 25.5" Height 3 Oil Paintings by Roberta Vallier Framed & Matted 7.5" x 6.25"
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 48m
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    3 Tiered Handcarved Monkey Pod Serving Tray, Wooden Bowl, Wooden Plate & Wooden Salt & Pepper Shaker25 - 3 Tiered Handcarved Monkey Pod Serving Tray, Wooden Bowl, Wooden Plate & Wooden Salt & Pepper Shaker
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    3 Tiered Hand-carved Monkey Pod Serving Tray, Wooden Bowl, Wooden Plate & Wooden Salt & Pepper Shaker Monkey Pod 17" Height, 16" ...
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 49m
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    Teacups26 - Teacups
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    8 Teacups
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 50m
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    Teacups27 - Teacups
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    8 Teacups
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 51m
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    Teacups28 - Teacups
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    9 Teacups
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 51m
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    Stunning Wine Decanters with Matching Glasses, Large Bowl & Small Bowl29 - Stunning Wine Decanters with Matching Glasses, Large Bowl & Small Bowl
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Stunning Wine Decanters with Matching Glasses, Large Bowl & Small Bowl
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 52m
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    Vintage Clear Pressed Glass Collection30 - Vintage Clear Pressed Glass Collection
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Vintage Clear Pressed Glass Collection Includes 3 platters 12", Large Bowl 10", 12 small serving bowls 5.5", 10 small serving plates...
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 53m
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    Pinwheel Crystal31 - Pinwheel Crystal
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Pinwheel Crystal 10 Pieces
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 54m
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    Pinwheel Crystal32 - Pinwheel Crystal
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Pinwheel Crystal 12 Pieces
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 54m
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    Hexagonal Side Table with wheel castors & Square Side Table33 - Hexagonal Side Table with wheel castors & Square Side Table
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Hexagonal Side Table with wheel castors 25" x 25" Wide 21.5" Height Square Side Table 28" x 28" 19.5" Height
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 55m
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    Coffee Table with Glass Top34 - Coffee Table with Glass Top
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Coffee Table with Glass Top with wheel castors 23" width 60" Length 16" Height
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 56m
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    Maple Side Table, Lamp & Mirror35 - Maple Side Table, Lamp & Mirror
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Maple Side Table 19" Width 23.5" Height 30" Depth Mirror 48" Width 36" Height
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 57m
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    Pinwheel Crystal36 - Pinwheel Crystal
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Pinwheel Crystal - 13 Pieces
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 57m
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    Tea for 237 - Tea for 2
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Tea Set, Cream & Sugar, Plate, Plated Teacups 2 sets
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 58m
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    Glass & Dishware38 - Glass & Dishware
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Glass & Dishware - plates, vases, Pope Cups, serving dishes, tea cup bases, Pitcher
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 7h 59m
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    Pinwheel Crystal39 - Pinwheel Crystal
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Pinwheel Crystal - 13 Pieces
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 8h 0m
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    Collectibles40 - Collectibles
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Collectibles Candle holders, 2 Cat brass & crystal votive holders, cat clock, 2 brass cups, dove ornament
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 8h 0m
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    Glassware41 - Glassware
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Miscellaneous glassware, retro pitcher, 6 glasses, decorative serving dishes, wind stoppers
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 8h 1m
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    Glassware & Crystal42 - Glassware & Crystal
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Miscellaneous glasses, crystal salt & pepper shakers, vases
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 8h 2m
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    Vintage Punch Bowl with cups, glass cake stand, vase, candle holders, candy dish43 - Vintage Punch Bowl with cups, glass cake stand, vase, candle holders, candy dish
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Vintage Punch Bowl with cups, glass cake stand, vase, candle holders, candy dish
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 8h 3m
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    Vintage Glassware44 - Vintage Glassware
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Vintage Glassware, salt & pepper shakers, vases, large plate, serving plates, glasses
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 8h 3m
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    Crystal & Glassware45 - Crystal & Glassware
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Miscellaneous Crystal & Glassware
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 8h 4m
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    Crystal Trinkets & Collectibles46 - Crystal Trinkets & Collectibles
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Crystal Trinkets, Collectibles & Music boxes
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 8h 5m
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    Vintage Trinkets, Tea cups, Teapot & More...47 - Vintage Trinkets, Tea cups, Teapot & More...
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Vintage Trinkets, Tea cups, Teapot & More...
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 8h 6m
    Details...Place BidBookmarkSubscribe to Lot Closing Notifications
    Vintage Glassware & Collectibles48 - Vintage Glassware & Collectibles
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Vintage Glassware & Collectibles
    Current Bid: 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 8h 6m
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    Copper Tea Pots with Porcelain Handles, cups & coasters49 - Copper Tea Pots with Porcelain Handles, cups & coasters
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Copper Tea Pots with Porcelain Handles, cups & coasters
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 8h 7m
    Details...Place BidBookmarkSubscribe to Lot Closing Notifications
    Vintage Glassware50 - Vintage Glassware
    Beck Auctions Inc.
    Vintage Glassware
    No Bids Yet
    Start Price : 10.00
    Ending In: 14d 8h 8m
    Details...Place BidBookmarkSubscribe to Lot Closing Notifications